Harbourlight's Fancy Dixie

Sex:   Bitch
Date of birth:   08/09/1989

Canadian registration data
Registration no:  WS787803
Colour:  Red & white
Date of registration:  15/01/1990

Health test results

Hip score: No score recorded
Elbow score: No score recorded
prcd-PRA: Unknown (No result recorded)
CEA/CH: Unknown (No result recorded)
DE: Unknown (No result recorded)
DM: Unknown (No result recorded)
JADD: Unknown (No result recorded)
CP1: Unknown (No result recorded)
CLPS: Unknown (No result recorded)
CDDY/IVDD: Unknown (No result recorded)
CDMC: Unknown (No result recorded)
CLAM: Unknown (No result recorded)

Hilan Lad Of Harbourlights

Harbourlight Fundy Star

Robie Surf Of Glencoe

Nick's Foxy Snooper

Harbourlights Tilly The Toller

Harbourlights Scotia Boy

Harbourlight's Happy Hooker

Harbourlights Foxy Tawny

Harbourlights Village Sire

Green Meadows Lac-a-Pac Pal

Betty Of Schubendorf

Harbourlights Fundy Bell

Robie Surf Of Glencoe

Nick's Foxy Snooper