Harbourlights Skykomish Red

Sex:   Bitch
Date of birth:   09/04/1985

Canadian registration data
Registration no:  SG474209
Colour:  Red & white
Date of registration:  10/09/1985

Health test results

Hip score: No score recorded
Elbow score: No score recorded
prcd-PRA: Unknown (No result recorded)
CEA/CH: Unknown (No result recorded)
DE: Unknown (No result recorded)
DM: Unknown (No result recorded)
JADD: Unknown (No result recorded)
CP1: Unknown (No result recorded)
CLPS: Unknown (No result recorded)
CDDY/IVDD: Unknown (No result recorded)
CDMC: Unknown (No result recorded)
CLAM: Unknown (No result recorded)
Registered progeny: 10

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