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Wednesday 11th August 2010 United Retriever - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

2nd Veteran Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 7th August 2010 National Gundog Association - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

1st Veteran Bitch

Short, deep body, good topline.

Friday 8th May 2009 Birmingham National - Mrs Margaret Holmes (Emmaclan)

3rd Open Bitch

Friday 24th April 2009 WELKS

Res AVNSC Limit Bitch (Judge: Mrs Kathy Gorman (Walgoreg))

Friday 12th December 2008 Ladies Kennel Association - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

VHC Open Bitch

Sunday 23rd November 2008 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)

2nd Open Bitch

Compact elegant bitch. Nice size and good make and shape. Well shaped wedge to head framed by nice ear set. Eyes a shade round. Firm topline, good tail set and carriage. Well marked. Moved with good drive.

Saturday 25th October 2008 Midland Counties - Mrs Ferelith Somerfield (Oudenarde)

Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Open Bitch

Also made on very typical lines. 1 scored in pasterns & feet. Well bodied, good strength throughout. RBB.

Wednesday 15th October 2008 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)

3rd Open Bitch

Saturday 27th September 2008 Belfast - Ms R V Wilcock

2nd Open Bitch

Saturday 20th September 2008 Driffield - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Not a 'flashy' bitch, but very sound and honest throughout. Good size and beautifully balanced. Very typical in head with a good eye and expression. Straight front, pleasing depth of chest, firm topline, good tailset and carriage, well defined hindquarters. Moved well with good reach and drive. BB.

Sunday 14th September 2008 Darlington - Mr Glen Vernon (Australia)

1st Open Bitch

2nd Rare Breeds Open Bitch (Judge: Mr Frank Wildman)

Saturday 24th November 2007 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)

3rd Open Bitch

Friday 26th October 2007 Midland Counties - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)

VHC Open Bitch

Wednesday 17th October 2007 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)

3rd Open Bitch

Saturday 29th September 2007 Belfast - Mr Frank Borg (Malta)

Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Open Bitch

Another decent bitch in all departments. Preferred movement of winner.

Sunday 23rd September 2007 Driffield - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Sunday 16th September 2007 Darlington - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)

2nd Open Bitch

Mature bitch with a good straight front and well shaped eye. Level backline. Lacked coat.

Sunday 9th September 2007 Richmond - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)

3rd Open Bitch

Sunday 2nd September 2007 City of Birmingham

2nd AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mr Ken Sinclair)

Sunday 12th August 2007 Bournemouth - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

Res Open Bitch

Saturday 4th August 2007 National Gundog Association - Mrs Louise Roffey (Acanuck)

Res Open Bitch

Sunday 22nd July 2007 Leeds - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Super head and expression. Good bone and straight front. Strong neck leading to good shoulders. Good strong rib with good depth. Strong loin and quarters. BB.

Friday 13th July 2007 Paignton - Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Neat and workmanlike. Good pattern. Res Bitch Bitch.

Saturday 7th July 2007 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)

2nd Open Bitch

Finer all through but a lot to like. Well ribbed with strong loin and firm topline. Attractive jaunty typical movement with correct tail carriage.

Saturday 30th June 2007 Windsor - Mr O Germundsson (Sweden)

2nd Open Bitch

Excellent size and type, very feminine with an excellent neck, topline and good bone. Could have better angulation, but she moved well. Out of coat on the day.

Saturday 23rd June 2007 Blackpool - Mrs Ferelith Somerfield (Oudenarde)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Reserve Best Rare Breeds Bitch (Judge: Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood))

1st Rare Breeds Open Bitch (Judge: Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood))

Friday 1st June 2007 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Peggy Beisel-Mcilwaine (USA)

2nd Open Bitch

Very close running for first. A lovely typy bitch with good balance. She had a very typy head with lovely expression. She was a nice medium size with a level topline and good angulation front and rear.

Saturday 26th May 2007 Bath - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

3rd Open Bitch

Saturday 19th May 2007 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Ray Strudwick (Burpham)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 13th May 2007 Birmingham National - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

1st Open Bitch

Well balance feminine head, with good neck & shoulders, good body, could carry more coat to advantage, moved well.

Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)

HC Open Bitch

Sunday 21st January 2007 Manchester - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

2nd Open Bitch

Workmanlike bitch, good head and expression, good front, well angulated, balanced outline, moved extremely well, just lacked the overall depth of quality that I preferred in my winner, but still a very nice bitch.

Saturday 6th January 2007 Boston

Res AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Brenda Taylor)

Friday 8th December 2006 Ladies Kennel Association

VHC AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mrs J P Wood)

Saturday 25th November 2006 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Impressive quality and muscle on this lady with her well made shape and balanced outline, she has a good head and skull, alert and alive eye and ear set, strong front, bone and frame, she lacks a little coat but holds herself well on the move and obviously enjoys her work, BB.

Saturday 11th November 2006 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Philip Green (Tamaritz)

Reserve Best Bitch

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Wednesday 18th October 2006 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)

3rd Limit Dog Or Bitch

Tuesday 3rd October 2006 Driffield - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)

3rd Open Bitch

Friday 29th September 2006 Belfast - Mrs Ellen Dobson (Teesview)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Sunday 3rd September 2006 City of Birmingham

VHC AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mrs B Banbury)

Sunday 20th August 2006 Welsh Kennel Club - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)

VHC Open Bitch

Saturday 5th August 2006 National Gundog Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)

3rd Open Bitch

Thursday 19th January 2006 Manchester - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)

2nd Open Bitch

Carries a good spring of rib going well back. Firm in loin and quarters, was fair on the move.

Saturday 10th December 2005 Ladies Kennel Association

VHC AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mr J Carter)

Saturday 12th November 2005 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)

3rd Limit Dog Or Bitch

Friday 14th October 2005 Driffield - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Very nice bitch, well balanced and good type. Nice head and good ear carriage. Fit and hard condition. Moved with drive.

Friday 23rd September 2005 Belfast - Mr William Orzel (Braxton)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Sunday 18th September 2005 Darlington - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Good head, neck and shoulders. Good outline and bend of stifle. Nice mover. BB.

Sunday 4th September 2005 City of Birmingham

Best AVNSC Bitch (Judge: Mr Stuart Mallard)

1st AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mr Stuart Mallard)

Sunday 28th August 2005 Scottish Kennel Club (2) - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

Best Bitch

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Very close to first, super bitch with good outstanding features, good feminine expression, lovely head and ear set, good front assembly with ample bone and good tight feet, nice strong rib and rear quarters, moved well.

Sunday 21st August 2005 Welsh Kennel Club - Mrs Freda Marshall (Gainspa)

3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

VHC Rare Breeds Open Bitch (Judge: Mr A Mackenzie)

Monday 15th August 2005 Bournemouth - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)

1st Limit Bitch

Classy bitch with lovely head piece and feminine expression. Good in neck and shoulders. Good depth of brisket and underline. Good hindquarters with well angulated stifles. Moved very soundly.

Wednesday 10th August 2005 United Retriever - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Nicely balanced bitch now coming into coat, feminine head & expression, well balanced, good body, moved very well for her handler, well presented.

Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 25th June 2005 Blackpool - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Post Graduate Bitch

1st Limit Bitch

Thursday 16th June 2005 Three Counties - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Lovely balanced outline, well constructed body, really well muscled. Good coat, confident character. Moved to advantage.

Friday 6th May 2005 Birmingham National - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Size and movement ok. Let down by coat colour on the day.

Saturday 12th March 2005 Crufts - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 23rd January 2005 Manchester

Reserve Best AVNSC Bitch (Judge: Carol Harwood)

1st AVNSC Post Graduate Bitch (Judge: Carol Harwood)

Sunday 19th September 2004 Darlington - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)

2nd Junior Bitch

Very raw at the moment. Not the head of 1, decent enough front with shoulders well placed. Needs to drop in body, hopefully this will come. A bit erratic on the move giving her handler a bit of a hard time.

Saturday 10th July 2004 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)

3rd Puppy Bitch

Saturday 26th June 2004 Blackpool - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Puppy Bitch

Had the finish & coat to take the class, has lots to offer, will change places with 2 many times with time, very sound, full of type. RBB.

Monday 14th June 2004 Three Counties - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)

2nd Puppy Bitch

Another nice puppy of good type and substance. Pleasing balanced outline. Moved well.

Friday 4th June 2004 Southern Counties Canine Association

3rd AVNSC Puppy Bitch (Judge: Johan Juslin)