Ashington & District Canine Society

Sunday 11th February 2024

Judge: Claire Mills

Best Of BreedDanehaven SavaletteBeadling

Graduate Dog or Bitch (1 entry)

2 and a half year old female who was very excitable and enjoying herself so much in the ring today that she made it little difficult to asses her - she certainly made her handler work. Clean cut skull, broad with flat cheeks, muzzle strong and of good length, tapering gradually. Almond shaped eye well spaced apart, well feathered triangular ears. Enough neck, would like a little more layback of shoulder, straight forelegs and neat feet. Good depth to chest, ribs well sprung and carried well back, short loin. Hind angles matching those of front. Well feathered tail of good set. Moved ok when settled. BOB