Friday 8th January 2010
Judge: Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)
Best Of Breed | Corlitgold Tokala | Widdowson |
Best Dog | Avonwharfe Revelation At Menstonia | Knowles |
Reserve Best Dog | Flanova Nika | Clark |
Best Bitch | Corlitgold Tokala | Widdowson |
Reserve Best Bitch | Decoymans Fire Princess Of Corlitgold | Widdowson |
Best Puppy | Decoymans Piper Tansy At Flanova | Clark |
Puppy Dog (2 entries)
1st | Clark FLANOVA NIKA Although this puppy was a little on the small side he is made with correct proportions, moved well when cooperating, good angles, happy baby. RBD. |
2nd | Clark FLANOVA ERIYADU ISLAND Taller than 1, not as balanced. |
Junior Dog (1 entry)
1st | Clark FLANOVA GLENDRONACH Equal head planes making good wedge shape, neat feet, well marked. Lacked drive for his age. |
Post Graduate Dog (1 entry)
1st | Knowles AVONWHARFE REVELATION AT MENSTONIA Nicely made dog, a shame his tail is carried over too much. Moved out well & in good coat, nice shoulder placement. BD. |
Open Dog (no entries)
Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
1st | Clark DECOYMANS PIPER TANSY AT FLANOVA Nice puppy, sweet expression, moved out freely for one so young, nice angles. BP. |
Junior Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)
1st | Widdowson CORLITGOLD TOKALA Full of quality & will hopefully continue with top honours. Well angulated front & rear, double coat of good quality, moved out with reach & drive. BB, BOB. |
Post Graduate Bitch (no entries)
Open Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st | Widdowson DECOYMANS FIRE PRINCESS OF CORLITGOLD In good coat, nicely marked. Moved a little close behind. Sweet expression. RBB. |
2nd | Clark HILLSCOURT ARTY MISS AT FLANOVA Lost out to 1 on coat. |